Dedicated Adalah

Dedicated Adalah

Layanan Dedicated Server dan Layanan Dedicated Hosting Herza Cloud

Ketika Anda dihadapkan dengan dua pilihan antara dedicated server dan dedicated hosting, Anda bisa memilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda.

Namun, jika Anda masih bingung dalam memilih layanan diantara keduanya, silahkan konsultasikan dengan Herza Cloud.

Herza Cloud menyediakan bebragai macam layanan hosting dan server, termasuk layanan dedicated server dan dedicated hosting.

Why is the anti-DDoS protection included as standard?

At OVHcloud, anti-DDoS protection is a mandatory feature with all our solutions. It guarantees optimal security for your servers and infrastructures. It is vital, because:

Definisi kata: Dedicated

Ketika Anda berdedikasi pada sesuatu, Anda mengabdi pada tujuan atau cita-cita, seperti sukarelawan yang berdedikasi di penampungan hewan yang muncul bahkan di badai salju dan hari libur.

Berdedikasi mengandung kata dasar mendedikasikan, yang berarti "berbakti pada tujuan atau pekerjaan seseorang", seperti staf pekerja yang berdedikasi yang bekerja sangat keras. Ini juga bisa berarti "sisihkan untuk tujuan tertentu", seperti meja khusus tempat anggota keluarga meletakkan kunci, surat, dan catatan mereka satu sama lain — jangan lempar mantel Anda ke atas meja itu atau lempar barang-barang itu ke dalam laci .

When you are dedicated to something, you are devoted to a cause or ideal, like dedicated volunteers at the animal shelter who show up even in snowstorms and on holidays.

Dedicated contains the root word dedicate, meaning "devoted to one's aims or vocation," like a dedicated staff of workers who work extremely hard. It can also mean "set aside for a specific purpose," like a dedicated desk where family members place their keys, the mail and notes to one another — don't throw your coat on top of that desk or throw those items in a drawer.

Tentu! Berikut adalah contoh dialog dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan kosakata "dedicated": Dialog: Rika: Hi, Lisa! Have you heard about Mr. Johnson's retirement? Lisa: Hi, Rika! Yes, I have. He has been a Dedicated teacher for 30 years. Rika: That's amazing! I remember he always put extra effort into helping his students. Lisa: Absolutely. He was always Dedicated to ensuring their success. He will be missed. Terjemahan: Rika: Hai, Lisa! Apakah kamu sudah mendengar tentang pensiunnya Pak Johnson? Lisa: Hai, Rika! Ya, aku sudah mendengar. Beliau telah menjadi guru yang berdedikasi selama 30 tahun. Rika: Itu luar biasa! Aku ingat beliau selalu berusaha ekstra untuk membantu murid-muridnya. Lisa: Benar sekali. Beliau selalu berdedikasi untuk memastikan keberhasilan mereka. Beliau akan dirindukan. Berikut adalah 3 pertanyaan sering ditanyakan pengguna menggunakan kata "dedicated" beserta jawabannya secara bilingual: Pertanyaan 1: Q: What does it mean to be Dedicated to something? A: Apa arti berdedikasi untuk sesuatu? Pertanyaan 2: Q: Why is it important to have a Dedicated team? A: Mengapa penting untuk memiliki tim yang berdedikasi? Pertanyaan 3: Q: How can someone become a Dedicated employee? A: Bagaimana seseorang dapat menjadi karyawan yang berdedikasi?

Perbedaan Dedicated Server dan Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated server dan dedicated hosting sebenarnya memiliki arti yang sama, yaitu layanan penyewaan server eksklusif yang didedikasikan hanya untuk satu pengguna atau satu bisnis.

Namun, biasanya istilah “dedicated server” lebih sering digunakan untuk merujuk pada server fisik yang disewa secara eksklusif.

Sementara istilah “dedicated hosting” lebih sering digunakan untuk merujuk pada layanan penyediaan server eksklusif yang mencakup juga layanan manajemen server, dukungan teknis, dan layanan lainnya yang terkait dengan pengelolaan server.

Dalam prakteknya, penyedia layanan dedicated server atau dedicated hosting biasanya akan menyediakan server fisik eksklusif yang ditempatkan di data center mereka, serta menyediakan layanan manajemen server, dukungan teknis, dan berbagai fitur dan layanan tambahan yang terkait dengan pengelolaan server.

Sehingga, pengguna hanya perlu fokus pada kebutuhan bisnis mereka, sementara penyedia layanan akan mengelola server dan memberikan dukungan teknis.

Meskipun begitu, ada beberapa perbedaan mendasar antara dedicated server dan dedicated hosting, terutama dalam hal fitur dan layanan yang ditawarkan oleh penyedia layanan.

Beberapa penyedia layanan dedicated server hanya menyediakan server fisik eksklusif tanpa layanan manajemen server dan dukungan teknis.

Sementara penyedia layanan dedicated hosting biasanya akan menyediakan berbagai layanan dan fitur tambahan seperti manajemen server, backup data, dan perlindungan keamanan data.

What is the lifetime guarantee for components?

We don’t compromise on quality, so all of our server hardware is maintained 24/7. Our servers also hold a lifetime guarantee for components.

Although we do not provide money-back guarantee; in the event of a server component failing, OVHcloud will replace it automatically for the entire duration of your contract. You will not be charged for these replacement operations.

dedicated Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Kata Kunci: Dedicated

Penggunaan: Kata “dedicated” sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan seseorang yang berkomitmen kepada suatu pekerjaan, proyek, atau penyebab. Misalnya:

Etimologi: Kata “dedicated” berasal dari bahasa Latin “dedicatus”, yang merupakan bentuk dari “dedicare” yang berarti “untuk mempersembahkan” atau “menyerahkan”. Kata ini mulai muncul dalam bahasa Inggris pada abad ke-17.

Pelafalan: ded·i·cat·ed /ˈdɛdɪˌkeɪtɪd/

Kata “dedicated” menggambarkan sifat positif dari seseorang yang rela menginvestasikan waktu, usaha, dan energi untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu atau membantu orang lain.

She is a dedicated teacher who spends extra hours helping her students. Dia adalah seorang guru yang berdedikasi yang menghabiskan waktu tambahan untuk membantu siswanya.

The dedicated team worked tirelessly to complete the project on time. Tim yang berdedikasi bekerja tanpa lelah untuk menyelesaikan proyek tepat waktu.

He has always been dedicated to improving his skills in music. Dia selalu berdedikasi untuk meningkatkan keterampilannya dalam musik.

Their dedicated efforts to conserve the environment are commendable. Upaya mereka yang berdedikasi untuk melestarikan lingkungan patut dipuji.

She made a dedicated commitment to volunteer at the shelter every weekend. Dia membuat komitmen yang berdedikasi untuk menjadi sukarelawan di tempat penampungan setiap akhir pekan.

A dedicated server, or computing server, is a server where all the physical resources of the machines are available. With our server management offering - including around-the-clock monitoring and maintenance - you can forget server administration and focus on your core tasks and responsibilities. Enjoy a proactive online presence with guarantees on service-level-agreements and quality server hardware that is compliant with your most demanding data requirements.

Our Asia-Pacific Dedicated server hosting offers you with a reliable & powerful platform with minimal downtime or latency to India. Unlike a virtual server, which uses a portion of the resources to run its virtualisation technology, a dedicated server allows you to benefit from all of the machine’s available RAM, storage, and computing power. With cloud computing, we can also define this type of solution as "bare metal", highlighting the physical availability of the machine’s resources, in contrast to standard solutions based on virtual instances. This way, you will get reliable hosting and full use of the physical resources, and therefore maximum performance.

In addition, dedicated server hosting solutions also give the user added flexibility to configure the system to specific requirements and manage the data hosted on it. This leaves the option of a more advanced installation, essential for some business applications to reach your customers in India.

Our cheap hosting servers are also perfect for reseller hosting, so you can use our solutions to deploy your own managed VPS, cloud VPS and reliable web hosting solutions for your customers in India.

Why is the anti-DDoS protection included as standard?

At OVHcloud, anti-DDoS protection is a mandatory feature with all our solutions. It guarantees optimal security for your servers and infrastructures. It is vital, because:

Which dedicated server should you choose?

There are many uses for a dedicated server: big data, machine learning, website and application hosting, backups and storage, infrastructure virtualisation, server clusters, business applications (CRM, ERP), and even online game hosting.

The configurations used for our dedicated hosting solution are designed to suit professional needs. Depending on your usage, you might need a configuration with more RAM, bigger storage space, or a higher processing capacity. Furthermore, the different OVHcloud dedicated server ranges are distinguished by their bandwidth capacity and range of associated services. You can also get anti-DDoS protection adapted for online gaming, a private network (vRack) with up to 10 Gb/s to allow you to connect your dedicated server to your infrastructure, or even hardware RAID. Choose the dedicated server that fits your needs - whether it is for personal website, professional website, small business website, online business, or e-commerce website.

FAQ’s for Dedicated Server in Bangkok, Thailand?:-

Q. What Dedicated Server in Bangkok, Thailand?

Answer:- Dedicated Server in Bangkok, Thailand is type of hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone else. This is more flexible than shared hosting, as organizations have full control over the server and its fully customized. All servers are located in our Bangkok, Thailand data center.

Q. What are the version of operating system that you support for dedicated server hosting in Bangkok, Thailand?

Answer:- We support all the latest version of Linux and windows operating system. We also support to install customized OS as well on dedicated servers.

Q. What are the different locations where you provide hosting services?

Answer:- We provide hosting services for dedicated servers in different locations of US, UK, Thailand, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Q. What is expected time for delivery of dedicated server in Bangkok, Thailand?

Answer:- Standard configuration of dedicated servers in Bangkok are delivered in 24-48 working hours.

Q. How much bandwidth/data transfer you offer for dedicated server hosting in Bangkok, Thailand?

Answer:- Most of dedicated servers comes with 5-10 TB of data transfer. However we offer customization for bandwidth requirement. Customer can opt for dedicated port with unlimited data transfer as well.

Q. What is the committed uptime for Bangkok Thailand based dedicated server hosting services?

Answer:- We offer committed uptime of 99.95% for dedicated servers hosted in our data center.

Q. What are the different hard drive options available for dedicated server hosting in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer:- Our dedicated server comes with an option of hosting SSD drives, SATA drive and SAS drive. Depending on budget customer can opt for server. However we suggest to opt for SSD drives for better performance.

Q. What are control panel you support for hosting dedicated server in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer:- For Linux OS we support C panel and for windows OS we support Plesk panel.

Q. How many IPs can be provided for dedicated server hosting?

Answer:- We support dedicated server hosting with multiple IPs. We have option for 8IPs, 16 IPs, 32 IPs, 64 IPs, 128 IPs and 256 IPs.

Q. What is the network uplink for dedicated server hosting in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer:- We have multiple options for 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps and more.

Q. What are the payment terms for dedicated server services in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer:- Payment term is monthly advance.

Q. Can customer use his own license of database and windows operating system for dedicated server hosting in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer:- Customer should have software assurance license from Microsoft to use his own license in our data center.

Q. Are your data center network is IPv6 compliant?

Answer:- Yes we can provide IPv6 for dedicated server hosting in our data centers.

Q. What is the difference between managed and unmanaged dedicated server hosting in Bangkok, Thailand?

Answer:- In case of unmanaged dedicated server, server is managed by the customer. We provide RDP/SSH access and commit 99.95% uptime. However in case of managed server Hostrunway provide OS and DB level support with a committed uptime of 99.95%.

Q. Can I change billing cycle for dedicated server hosting in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer:- Yes you can change your billing cycle for dedicated server hosting in Thailand. It can monthly, quarterly or yearly advance.

Q. Do you provide dedicated server for running machine learning and big data application?

Answer:- Yes we provide GPU based dedicated server to run application like machine learning and big data.

Q. Is there is any discount in case we make yearly advance payment for dedicated server hosting in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer: - Yes we offer 10% discount on one year advance payment.

Q. Can I switch my plan of dedicated server hosting in future?

Answer:- Yes you can switch you dedicated server to another server.

Q. Can I install hypervisor on dedicated server in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer:- Yes you install your own hypervisor. We also provide support in installation of Hypervisor.

Q. Do you provide firewall with dedicated server hosting in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer:- We can provide you dedicated firewall at additional cost for server hosting in Bangkok data center.

Q. What are the version of databases you support on Bangkok Thailand based dedicated servers?

Answer:- We support all the latest version of MS SQL and MY SQL databases. For more details please contact to our sales team.

Q. What is the minimum contract period for dedicated servers?

Answer:- Minimum contract term for dedicated servers is 30 days.

Q. What methods of payment do you accept for online purchase of dedicated servers?

Answer:- We accept payments through PayPal.

Q. Who owns and maintains the Dedicated Server hardware?

Answer:- Hostrunway owns and maintain the hardware. We will maintain hardware of servers.

Q. What kind of application can be hosted on dedicated server in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer:- All kind of legal application can be hosted on dedicated servers in Bangkok Thailand. Applications like gaming servers, CRM applications, Big data, Ecommerce sites etc can be hosted on dedicated servers in Bangkok Thailand.

Q. Do you offer customized server configuration for dedicated server hosting in Bangkok Thailand?

Answer:- Yes we offer customization for dedicated server hosting in Bangkok Thailand. For details please contact to our sales team.

Q. Can we install customized operating system in dedicated servers in Bangkok which is not listed on your website?

Answer:- For any customized OS installation in dedicated servers please contact to our sales team.

Why is the anti-DDoS protection included as standard?

At OVHcloud, anti-DDoS protection is a mandatory feature with all our solutions. It guarantees optimal security for your servers and infrastructures from every possible hackers. It is vital, because: